SBRI - Government Procurement
Click here to download the session presentations
Theme: Cross Sector
Time: 12:00
Room: C
SBRI is a process for bringing solutions and technology from industry to bear on public sector challenges through open competitions. Successful applicants to these competitions receive a contract to develop their idea initially through a proof of concept stage and potentially through prototype development. This session will explain the SBRI process and highlight open and forthcoming challenges.
As part of this session NHS South East Coast is launching a SBRI competition to help in the prevention of stroke. Identification and management of atrial fibrillation in the general population is key in the prevention of stroke. As a high priority for the region, the key overarching outcome of this SBRI will be focused on using technology to improve the identification of Atrial Fibrillation in the general population and the identification of Atrial Fibrillation in people with existing illness.
The session will be hosted by Stephen Browning and Lindsey Weston from Technology Strategy Board and joined by the following speakers
Seamus Watson - MA, BSc ( Hons ), RN. Head of Health Programmes NHS South East Coast. Regional lead in delivery of national stroke strategy
Tim Waite, Assistant Director, Kent Cardio vascular network