Overcoming the Barriers to Plastic Electronics Exploitation
To download the session presentations:
Click here - Commercialisation - An End - User's Story
Click here - Electronics, Sensors, Photonics KTN
Click here - Plastic Electronics UK
Click here - “Overcoming the barriers to Plastic Electronics exploitation”
Theme: Digital
Time: 1515
Room: C
The UK is a world leader in Plastic Electronics, an exciting new technology set to revolutionise the manufacture of electronic systems through cost effective deposition of organic materials on flexible substrates. The technology enables the integration of elements such as pressure sensors, memories, batteries, displays and light emitters on plastic films and is forecast to transform applications including entertainment, fashion, lighting, photovoltaics and computing.
The challenges include the development of scalable manufacturing technologies and construction of a value chain that retains wealth creation opportunities in the UK.
Greg May and Myrddin Jones, Lead Technologists from the Technology Strategy Board will introduce and facilitate this seminar highlighting the latest plastic electronics innovation programmes in the UK. Industry speakers will present the latest advances and review the market prospects. There will also be an opportunity to see and touch some of the latest demonstrators.
The seminar is aimed at engineers, scientists and business people wishing to get a better understanding of the plastic electronics market, technologies and business opportunity.
Speakers to include:
Dr Keith Rollins, Plastic Electronics Leadership Group
Dr Phillip Cooper, Head of Ideas & Innovation
Dr Jeremy Burroughs, Cambridge Display Technology
Dr Ric Allott, Director for Plastic Electronics