Ric Allott, Director, Plastic Electronics, KTN
Ric is Director for Plastic Electronics in the UK’s Electronics, Sensors, Photonics
Knowledge Transfer Network, with responsibility for plastic electronics, displays and ultra-efficient lighting. The KTN connects science-to-business and business-to-business, accelerating innovation and growth.
He received his BSc (Hons) degree and PhD in Physics from the University of
Wales, Swansea. His doctoral and subsequent postdoctoral research involved the development of highly sensitive laser based spectroscopic techniques. Between
1995 and 2001 he worked as a Senior Scientific Officer at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK, responsible for the Ultra-High Power Laser Target Areas. In 2001, he joined Exitech Ltd, an innovative manufacturer of highly specialised laser micromachining systems. At Exitech he led the research and development of novel laser processing techniques primarily focussed on the Flat Panel Displays and Photovoltaic markets. During this time he had considerable experience of the Asian displays markets in particular in Japan, Taiwan and Korea. He left Exitech in 2006 and has been working in the area of Knowledge Transfer for the past 4 years.